November 2020 2D Featured Artist Susan Oliver

Susan Oliver

I am a photographer based in Cape Coral, Florida. I have loved photography all of my life, but initially it was more as a viewer. I was especially enchanted with historical photos of people, wondering what their lives must have been like.  I noticed that photography had the ability to capture and stir emotion and enhance your own imagination.

I won an instamatic camera in a bingo game at age 13 but was not able to devote myself to photography until I retired from my corporate career. While most of my career was spent in data analytics, I saw I enjoyed and had the ability to present information in a manner that was aesthetically pleasing to the eye. 

Following retirement, I used several resources to master a DSLR camera and develop my style.  

 As a world-traveler, I love to photograph people living daily life in other locales.  While many artists seek to show where he or she fits in the world, I am motivated to show the existence of the world outside of myself.

As an avid animal lover, photographing pets and wildlife enhanced my ability to capture images over the years. Since moving to Cape Coral in 2015, I fell in love with Southwest Florida's wildlife, flora and scenery. 

My style evolved to where I primarily make candid images, whether it be the lives of families on balconies in Old Havana, or of a reddish egret doing its frenetic dance to capture its dinner.  I take images to capture the lives of others as I see them and hope that it inspires emotion in the viewer.

My photography has been shown at the Alliance for the Arts and the News- Press. I also am a musician, and play French horn with the Gulf Coast Symphony, and photographed each pet in the 2020 Gulf Coast Symphony Calendar.






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