July 2023 3-D Featured Artist Heather Rivera

Heather Rivera is a jewelry artist who has been a part of Harbour View Gallery since 2016. As a Jersey girl who transplanted to Dallas, then Cleveland, and now Cape Coral, she’s taken her quirky creativity everywhere she goes. From obsessively making macramé string bracelets at nine to crocheting massive afghans at twenty to madly chainmailling every jump ring she sees in
her 30s to joyfully wire-wrapping shells and gemstones in her forties, she’s been creating with her hands for as long as she can remember.
She specializes in cold fusion jewelry design, which connects all components without using heat, glue, soldering, fabrication, or smithing of any kind. She currently has three jewelry brands: Captibel Designs, which features starfish and shell jewelry from Sanibel and Captiva; the edgier Gutsy Girl Designs, which offers chainmaille, washermaille and captured crystal;
as well as Heather Rivera Designs, which specializes in higher end cold fusion designs. Her work has been presented in many juried group exhibits in multiple US states and has won several awards for entries from her Captibel Designs collections.
Heather finds her work meditative, therapeutic, and invigorating when taking what seems like a million disjointed pieces and unifying them into a single cohesive whole. “I sometimes sit in the same spot for hours, utterly and blissfully focused on whatever my hands are working on,” she



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